West Memphis Weigh Station Information
State: Arkansas Scales and DOT
Highway: I 40 – wb
Location: West Memphis (just west of the TN border)
Mile Marker: 283.5
Exit Before: Premium Content
Exit After: Premium Content
PrePass: yes
Parking: Exit 280 has Petro, Pilot, Flying J west of the West Memphis truck scales.
If you cross the border from Tennessee to Arkansas on I 40, you will cross this scale. There are no exits between the bridge over the river and the weigh station. This location has PrePass but does not have any visible weigh-in-motion sensors in the road.
The West Memphis west bound weigh station used to be further west. This “newer” location was built and appeared to be useable long before they ever started using it- there were rumors among the truckers that the weigh station was sinking. Whatever the opening delay was, the scale in full use now. Don’t expect it to be closed at night, on weekends or on holidays.
Alternate Route Information
Premium Content Alternate Route Information for this location is available to Premium Members.