Lumberton Weigh Station Information
State: North Carolina Scales and DOT
Highway: I 95 – nb
Location: Lumberton
Mile Marker: 24
Exit Before: Premium Content
Exit After: Premium Content
Phone: Premium Content
PrePass: no
Parking: There is truck parking at South of the Border at exit 1 and a rest area at mm 5 south of the scale, there is a rest area at mm 48 north of the Lumberton weigh station. There is a BP fuel stop at exit 25 north of the truck weigh station, but there is not room for much truck parking. There is a Shell truck stop at exit 31 north of the scale.
They will close if trucks are backed out to the road.
Feb/March 2007 this scale was (literally) out of the ground. They were in process of replacing the truck scale.
Alternate Route Information
Premium Content Alternate Route Information for this location is available to Premium Members.