Farewell Bend POE Weigh Station Information
State: Oregon Scales and DOT
Highway: I 84 – wb
Location: Huntington (Exit 353)
Mile Marker: 353
Exit Before: Premium Content
Exit After: Premium Content
Address: 5920 Highway 30, Huntington OR 97907-9707
Phone: Premium Content
Fax: Premium Content
PrePass: Yes
Parking: Exit 353 has a TA Travel Center (under construction as of Sept 2020)
The westbound weigh station is off of the exit ramp for this exit and cannot be accessed from route 30.
The phone number for Oregon permits/registration for this location is 541-869-2293, fax 541-869-2021 8am to 5pm mountain time. All other times call 503-378-6699- you must have a way to pay over the phone (credit/debit card etc).